Get it Done Right the First Time

Have you ever paid for the cheaper option and been let down by it? I’m sure you can think of several instances where this has happened to you or others. It might be pretty generic to say that you pay for what you get, but that’s just the case in landscaping like it is in most other industries.

We’ve heard from many of our clients over the years that they had once signed on with a company they weren’t too sure about in the first place, and that they mainly chose them because they were one of the cheaper options. The ideas and strategies from these companies were usually somewhat generic and boring, and their communication and installation tended to be far less than satisfactory. In the end, each of these clients actually ended up needing to redo MOST of their project, if not the entire thing! Just the stress and heartache involved with spending a whole bunch of money for a product you could be so displeased with makes our team work that much harder to always get it done RIGHT the first time.

We want you to love your project and the entire process of it, plain and simple. We pride ourselves in outmatching our competition on every front and we stand by every communication, every decision and every square inch of work done on your property. When these kinds of disgruntled clients call us in, they’re always relieved with how we operate right off the bat; some people even get emotional. If they had only spent a bit more time in the beginning finding a company they felt they could trust and who’d charge appropriately to do it RIGHT, perhaps they wouldn’t have gotten into a messy situation in the first place.

Pay more for the team you feel the most comfortable with and who seems they honestly want to HELP you, even if that ends up not being us! Keep searching until you find this connection, and PAY for it. You’ll always pay more (money and energy) to have the cheap guy finally get it done “right” after three attempts than you would have if you paid real professionals to do it once.

We don’t provide random discounts out of the air or use other strange and sleazy sales tactics just to “get you to sign up.” We pay our extremely competent workers handsomely so they can live a good and healthy lifestyle, unlike many companies out there who count pennies with their hard-working laborers, and this, of course, is included in our cost and cannot be sacrificed. We need our clients to spend the amount of money that WILL get the job done right, and even better than they imagined. We NEVER undercharge projects just so you will sign up, knowing full well that there will likely be a huge Change Order at some random point in time to “make up for it”.

When looking over costs, we can quote you for a $20,000 back yard or a $200,000 back yard, so us figuring out an ideal budget range to start with based on your needs is, of course, best for both of us. We’re dealing with the outside portion of your home in the spaces you’d probably like to spend up to half your home time if they were in ideal conditions, and we want to help them get there! Los Angeles is a great place to be outside for 10+ months out of the year, and you should be able to enjoy that at your own home! Your back yard should be absolutely beautiful, and it should be a place you can go to get away from it all. When your family and friends come over, they should feel comfortable and at peace out there. Walking around or lounging outside with a peace of mind and the ability to take an uninterrupted, deep breath is the aim; and we know how to make that happen. We all have enough going on with work, family and other things, and we don’t need the added stress of thinking another sprinkler might explode in the morning and give you a huge water bill. If doing worthwhile things was always easy and cheap, we all likely wouldn’t feel fulfilled very often. Long lasting growth or change does not come from little or no effort or sacrifice. Get it done RIGHT the first time and save yourself countless knots in your neck and back…

-Cody Simpson, Chief Landscape Consultant


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