Fairness in Collaboration
We love to help good people whenever and however we can. We aren’t fans of working with people who don't have others' best interests at heart. We want to work WITH people. We want to do our best to listen and learn, and we want them to do the same. Without this kind of back and forth, there is no real relationship; and in our opinion, no project is worth being on poor or even subpar terms with anyone! We've noticed that people who like to help others and who are honestly interested in creating something beautiful and unique with their project are the best to work with. If you're generally a disinterested person who thinks of others as beneath them, we're not going to be a good match for you. People who don't recognize others as human beings usually don't deserve fair treatment. We only want to work with people who are really aware of themselves and others, and we strive to give these people the best possible service and products.
We purposefully have our long contact form, educational series and other extensive content intact to gather as much information as humanly possible and to get our clients up to a solid point where comprehension is very fluid between us. We also have these factors implemented as an attempt to filter out people who lack REAL interest in paying for and receiving far above average products and service. In a way, we want our clients to “service” US, just like we do for them; it should be a collaborative effort. This way, we can all be pleased with the result, we all know how everything works, and we all played a part in creating something amazing. Does this mean clients need to do all the work and we aren’t going to help? Absolutely not. All we mean here is that we want to have a real EXCHANGE with our clients, built with honesty, solid communication and trust. People aren’t used to good communication and efficiency in business, and we definitely understand that. It just doesn’t really exist in many places as a constant, but we can assure you that each of our team members are at the absolute top of their game and are only moving up from there at every opportunity possible; and we want to help people to learn to trust again!
All this is really just to announce that we are ready for you, so long as you are ready for us! We’re taking Los Angeles by storm, and we’d love to bring you along with us.
-Cody Simpson, Chief Landscape Consultant