Why is Art Important?

We live in an ever-changing society, where nothing ever stays the same for too long. We were in a civil war with each other only 150 years ago and a massive world war only 80 years ago! That is NOT a long time. We've been through depressions, the rise and fall of economy, inflation, wars, riots, hatred, rapid development of technology, biased politics, mass governmental and media control, the degeneration of public education, drugs running rampant through society, fields like psychiatry (which most will admit and joke that it doesn't actually do anything for them but get them high) amassing billions of dollars for themselves, and so much more in only the past hundred years. We can't forget and ignore how much things can change in a short period of time just because we might be a bit comfortable where we are now. Saying that we don't like change makes sense, because change can be difficult. But we also can't forget how much things can change for the BETTER when we bring artistic influence into the mix.

We're currently living in a world run through the corruption and degradation of the individual through the means of biased media, drugs and other vices. Governments do not want the individual person to strive to do better for themselves, because what governments want is the easiest possible control of everyone. They want the masses to share all similar viewpoints with each other, or share the exact opposite viewpoints to keep them fighting amongst themselves. There is no middle ground or idea that could actually create AGREEMENT that's pushed by the media. It's choose this or choose that, or you're a crazy outsider (an individual with his OWN ideas [very dangerous to them]). It's a lot easier for the government to manipulate people to think with 2 simple ideas than it is to let the individual consider the 50 diverse and complex ideas to make an accurate decision (which our minds are very capable of dealing with). The actual POWER of choice has been dumbed down to choosing only one thing or the other, or at least those are the options we’re presented with everywhere we look and go. THAT is how you control people in the millions and how to keep them distracted from the only thing that actually matters: YOUR ideas and YOUR goals.

We at Droughtscape don't partake in this widespread, dog-eat-dog game of Checkers that's presented to all of us, where we’re all pitted against each other for no good reason. Our sole intention is to help people bring life, art and help to our environment. Without creation, without plans and goals, without the progression of art, and without the individual's viewpoint, are we actually human, or are we just a bunch of cattle being poked and prodded to do what someone else wants us to? What happens when we’re all so distracted that we forget to CREATE our lives? Society ceases production and degrades. Look at some of the most prominent civilizations this planet has ever seen, such as Babylon, Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, etc. The foundation and expansion of each of them were derived from their populace’s creative drive and ability. Regardless of their leaders’ intentions, a major factor in the rapidity of their expansion was based in the admiration of their immense creative ability and atmosphere. For centuries, their treatment and domination of others was literally overlooked solely due to the beauty they created and continued to create. They all did end up losing their way in the end; they got too comfortable, distracted, obsessed with indulgences, they stopped creating, and they QUICKLY crashed and burned!

We want your ideas to burst out of you so we can start creating a new environment that's desperately needed here in Los Angeles! What makes someone genuinely feel better and get out of their head a little bit after a hard day or an argument? Not drugs, as all they do is numb you for a while and then make the problem seem worse later. Not the disgusting news stations telling you all the horrible things that happened today. Art. Creation. Expression. Even just taking a second to look at something aesthetic and FORCING yourself to admire it can help dramatically. Go out of your way to enjoy your environment or make it better. You WILL feel better. Do it over and over again, and you'll feel better and better! Has your garage been a mess that’s annoyed you for 15 years? Clean it up! Has the litter on the corner of your street been bothering you for a week? Pick it up! Have you still not stained that new bench you got? Do it! This seems so simple and daft, but it's usually the simplest outlooks that are the most rewarding and relaxing. Wouldn't you agree? When you were a kid, didn't your outlook on things just feel brighter and newer because everything was so new to you? Now that we're used to everything and nothing really feels that new or fresh anymore, what is there out there that CAN be new? ART. CREATION. Make something yourself! Drop what you're doing and create something NOW. You'd be surprised at how invigorating this can be, especially if you drop all those draining opinions and reasons-why-NOT we all have now (which usually come from someone ELSE).

We all need to knock off this constant "solution" when we're not feeling good of trying to DISTRACT ourselves as much as humanly possible. We tend to do this so much that we forget to CREATE and work toward goals that are worthwhile. Our utilization of creative ability and communication is the ACTUAL solution to all problems on Earth, not ignorance. Art changes and moves society faster than anything in human history, as has been proven time and time again. Even if those in control want nothing more than to see us as mediocre, drug-addled, mindless dogs; if we don't all take a step in the right direction NOW and start creating, we're all going to have more and more problems that will affect us more and more personally. And if we keep hiding from those problems, that’s when society will start on a real decline. Without art and creation, we will not move forward. Without communication, organization and planning of our goals, we won't get anywhere.

Our team is here to take your vision, fine tune it if we even need to, and turn it into reality. We want to change the entirety of Los Angeles into a more ideal landscape that saves everyone time, water and money; but more importantly, we want YOU to create, and we want to create an aesthetic and artistic experience WITH you FOR society. As with anything else, it takes only one person to create a little bit of change, and then another person, over and over again, until it snowballs. It’s all very tedious, but then the example starts to spread and real change can occur. One person, idea, action or project IS significant, whether it seems small or not.

Showing people your creative ideas and art can be a scary thing at first. Probably about 20% of people might hint at you that your art is bad or worthless (usually with a backhanded compliment), and these types of people will usually seek out your art to MAKE SURE you think that it is, mostly because they have nothing better to do. Freedom of Expression is a human right, and it's a right that we all need to ABUSE as much as possible. Who cares what the few, filthy little snakes in the grass might hiss at you? Most of us are LIONS, and we MUST express whatever we're holding inside and create life! Whether you like it or not, you ARE an artist and you MUST create. You're the one who’s been envisioning that beautiful landscape and beautiful life for yourself, so let’s make it happen. You are far more important than we are. We're just here to help. This is your chance and our chance to help this city and to change things for the better. We must. But it starts with you.

-Cody Simpson, Chief Landscape Consultant


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